Global Product Distributors In Myanmar

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Office Company
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Investor Relations

Welcome everyone to invest in Land Development of the 8 Mile SOHO in Yangon to be constructed by affiliated company Living Square Construction Co Ltd


27 Years in imports, distributions, marketing, sales, after-sale services with spare parts.

Click to apply Job

Partner & Supplier

Laputta Mangrove Forestry (a part of CSR).

Help Desk

No. 6, Shwemarlar Yeik Mon, Bayint Naung Road, Kamayut Township, Yangon, Myanmar.
Tel. +95(9)9 777 535 81, (9)9 777 535 82, (9)7 888 899 33, (9)7 999 966 55
Fax. 530708

Office Location

Head Office

Head Office 7F, Showroom 1F, KER Tower, No.65, Kabaraye Pagoda Road , Mayangone Township, Yangon 11062,  Myanmar.

Tel : +95 (1)9669545; (1)657373; (9)977753581; (9)977753582

Let's Relax Spa Myanmar

KER  RENDEZVOUS , Kabaraye Pagoda road, No.65-B, Ker residence , 3-A floor, Mayangone Township , yangon
Booking Ph :  +959 409095553


Fashion & Lifestyle

Yangon Showroom

No.6, Shwemarlar Yeikmon,
Bayint Naung Road, Kamayut Township, Yangon 11041,  Myanmar
Tel : +95(1)530708, 530709, 515036, (9)977753581, (9)977753582

Mandalay Branch Office

No.12, 78th Road, Between 33rd &
34th St., Mandalay, Myanmar.
Tel : +95 2 73022, +959 51 73544,
02 407 2575

Taung Gyi Branch Office

141 Kalaw Plaza, Myoma Market (West), Satsamhtun St., Zaypineward, Taunggyi
Tel : +95 9 73022461

Contact Form

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